Welcome to our pages to discover today the complete solution de Limbo. Limbo is a game released in 2010, first on the XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) and then on a whole bunch of media: PC, Ps3, Vita and even iOS. There is talk today of an adaptation on the One and the PS4, but its release has only been postponed. In short, know that it is a platform and puzzle game developed by Playdead in which you will lead a young mute boy, in scary environments and entirely done in black and white. It's an old school title, with serious difficulty.
For this video solution, we called on KillerSnowTigger which offers us videos grouping 5 chapters at a time, from chapter 1 to the 40th and last chapter of the game. In addition I have also put a video which presents all successes or “achievements” of the game and then one that will allow you to locate and recover all the “eggs” of the title. In short, you are well equipped to completely finish this really catchy title.
Go without further ado, so here is what complete guide de Limbo.
Complete solution de Limbo - all chapters - 1 to 40:
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 1 to 5: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 6 to 10: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 11 to 15: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 16 to 20: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 21 to 25: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 26 to 30: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 31 to 35: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Chapter 36 to 40: The video
Complete solution de Limbo - All achievements:
The video
Complete solution de Limbo - Location of all EGGs:
The video
And voila, we have just finished with this sComplete solution in video, de Limbo on mobiles, home consoles and PCs. I hope this solution has helped you a lot and that thanks to it you have been able to move forward and why finish the game. Don't forget to support us on social networks and to subscribe to our newsletter! Thank you for your loyalty, see you soon!
Internet search:
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- solution limbo
- limbo solution
- limbo ps4 walkthrough
- limbo tip
- Solution limbo ps4
- level 25 solution of the limbo games
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- limbo all