Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover today the solution Tales from the Borderlands 5 – The Vault of the Traveler. This signed game Telltale Games is available on almost all available platforms: PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Android and iOS.
You have undoubtedly tasted our previous article, presenting the solution of1 episode, the2 episode, the3 episode and episode 4, well here is the solution ofEpisode 4: The Vault of the Traveler, which has just been released. It's always our friends from Telltale Games who are dealing with this episode. We are therefore dealing with a game that conforms to their habits: a point and click in an episodic version, with a worked scenario, characters hollowed out and a narrative with small onions. Chronologically located after Borderlands 2, this game will make you live adventures through the eyes of 2 characters: Rhys and Fiona. As usual with Telltale, we have a high quality game, which fits perfectly into the universe. Borderlands. This episode 5 is the last of the series, although we hope that it will be the occasion of several other seasons, much like The Walking Dead was by Tellale. In this episode 5, is it time for our heroes to take stock? Was all the destruction caused really worth it? I won't tell you more, but know that The Vault of the Traveler is already very addicting and that a good number of players will undoubtedly spend a little time taking stock of the choices they have been able to make..
This video guide is to the credit of rrvirus which offers us 4 videos to overcome the title. Remember some choices are only for him, but nevertheless he will also show you how to get through some more difficult passages.
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 5 – The Vault of the Traveler:
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 5 – part 1
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 5 – part 2
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 5 – part 3
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 5 – part 4
And voila, it's already over. We hope this Tales from the Borderlands 5 Walkthrough - The Vault of the Traveler has helped you a lot. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us regularly to find out every day new solutions for all your video games favorite. Thank you all for reading us and thank you for your loyalty. See you soon on our pages and do not hesitate to follow us on social networks.
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