Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover without further delay the presentation of the Walkthrough The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode 1, titled The Ties That Bind Us Part 1, which has just been released on PS4, Xbox One, Android, iOS and PC. Still developed by Telltale studios which has just put an end to its Batman, this new season introduces a character, Javier Garcia who will meet Clémentine over the course of this episode.
This first episode is a real success, much more nervous in its presentation than the previous seasons. You start by discovering this new character and his story through a family dispute. Then the story goes on and you find him later with the survivors of his clan who have all changed a lot. It is there that you will meet Clémentine, this little girl whom you protected during season 1 and whom you hardened in season 2. But precisely, can Javier really trust her?
This Solution The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode 1, titled The Ties That Bind Us Part 1, is offered in Spanish by ExVSK, with a complete guide offering 2 full videos. Note that this guide is in Spanish but that on our Youtube channel we dedicated a full playlist for this game, in English.
Solution The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode 1:
The ties that unite us part 1 - part 1
The ties that unite us part 1 - part 2
And here it is Solution The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode 1, titled The Ties That Bind Us Part 1, is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to advance and finish this new adventure game from Telltale. If this is the case so much the better, come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thank you all for reading us, thank you for supporting us on social networks to encourage us to continue our work, see you soon on our pages!
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